


I’ve found that having the right study environment is key to my academic success. it’s important to establish a space where you can be 富有成效的 和 comfy.

Most college students spend a significant amount of time 研究 – an aver年龄 of 17 hours a week, 根据 一项研究. That is nearly a part-time job, 和 tough to fit in for students who already have a 事业、家庭和/或其他需要管理的义务.

Personally, I’ve found that having the right study environment is key to my academic success. 作为学生,学习是软件下载生活中如此重要的一部分, it’s important to establish a space in which we can be both comfortable 和 富有成效的.

Here are my tips for creating a study space you want to be in:

1. 位置,位置,位置

The first step to creating your study space is to choose a comfortable location. This can be a personal office, a desk in your bedroom, or a chair at the kitchen table. The important part is to choose an area with minimal interruptions – a quiet, 放松的空间,你可以幸运28计划精力完成工作. By dedicating a particular area to your schoolwork, you can train your brain to focus exclusively on 研究,而不是你的待办事项清单或其他分心的事情.

Keep in mind that you don’t really need to have an office to create a quiet, 功能性工作环境. 事实上, many people enjoy working in more open 和 collaborative spaces, 比如图书馆的自习室 同学群. 找到最适合你的空间类型, or mix it up a bit throughout the week so that you don’t start to feel bored or isolated when you are 研究.

2. 利用背景噪音来保持专注

Not every student can close the door 和 have total silence while doing schoolwork. 软件下载中的许多人可能都有孩子跑来跑去, making noise 和 meeting their daily quota of times they can hear the word “Mommy!”

Being able to drown out the world around you is essential to making the most of your 学习时间. Grab some earbuds or headphones 和 get to work, listen to those lectures while you review 你的笔记或者在你做事的时候播放一些鼓舞人心的音乐!

3. 保持组织

把你所有的补给都放在一个地方,确保它 保持组织. 这并不一定是一个书桌抽屉. 它可以是一些简单而小的东西, like a zipper pouch on the front of your notebook that holds a pencil 和 your favorite pen. The goal is to make it as easy as possible to find what you need; you don’t want to waste precious 学习时间 searching for supplies or class materials.

4. 考虑一下你的空间的照明

Spending hours in front of your computer or staring at your phone screen can strain your eyes, 让你感到疲惫和筋疲力尽. The bluish light from screens has even been shown to disrupt your 睡眠模式 如果你在睡觉前学习,这是个坏消息.

To reduce strain on your eyes, make sure that your study space has adequate lighting. If your room does not receive lots of natural light, invest in a small desk or floor lamp. This is especially important if you are 研究 at night or early in the morning. 你会感觉更清醒 幸运28计划 in proper lighting, 和 you’re likely to be more 富有成效的 as a result.

5. 计划你的学习时间

如果你有孩子, then you know it’s not always possible to spend a few hours at a time preparing for an important exam. It might be easier to get your 研究 done in between appointments, 当孩子们在学校的时候, 或者等大家都上床睡觉了. 提前计划至关重要. Schedule your 学习时间 for when you know it will be quiet 和 you can 保持专注 尽量减少干扰. 你也可以尝试用几个不同的时间来找到一个 最适合你的日常工作. For example, some people might study best at night, while others are more 富有成效的 in the morning.

6. 添加灵感

你的动力是什么?? 是什么让你想要征服世界? Capture the essence of that motivation – in photos, posters, Post-it notes, etc. ——并把它展示在你的学习区域. 让这些文字或图像成为一个常量 提醒自己的目标 还有你为什么要去上学. 这些将是你在雨天的阳光,这些东西 激励和激励你 当你很难度过艰难的一周.

不要让无聊的学习空间阻碍你! 下面是一些建议, you can create the perfect study environment 和 study routine so you can stay 富有成效的 和 幸运28计划 throughout the semester.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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